Haute Somme Destination !

The Haute Somme Destination is covered in bucolic landscapes. Lush countryside on a vast plateau, picturesque villages, fertile fields where cutting-edge agriculture is being developed, particularly in the production of sugar beet; and the Upper Valley where the Somme loses itself in its many meanderings and the lakes surrounded by greenery.

Our recollections of history are awakened by a rich heritage of remembrance and reconstruction linked to the Battle of the Somme.

In the Haute Somme, tasty culinary specialities abound. Enjoy a convivial and generous meal of smoked eels and eel terrine, accompanied by a delicious Picardy beer, « La Colvert ».

All these special features make the Haute Somme a destination with much to be discovered!

So, walk, jump in your car or hire a bike and visit our region: visit the Historial of the Great War in Péronne and follow the Remembrance Trail and the important places of remembrance of the First World War; discover our historic heritage and rich history with a visit to the Musée Alfred-Danicourt in Péronne or to the crypt of the abbey church of Notre-Dame in Ham.

And why not enjoy a few leisure activities for young and old: the Omignon fish farm in Saint-Christ-Briost, the Aquatic Centre in Ham, the P ‘tit Baltar music hall in Nesle and Les Canards de la Germaine – a working farm with accommodation in Sancourt, and explore the unrivalled countryside of our valley on the walking trails…




Péronne in the great war – a visit to the Historial

The First World War is inextricably linked to the history of Péronne and the Haute Somme. This is why the Historial of the Great War was established here in 1992, in close proximity to the Franco-British remembrance trail and the battlefields of the Somme.

This unusual museum, which includes an international research centre, presents the First World War in all its aspects: cultural, social and military. Visions of the three principal European nations involved (France, Germany, United Kingdom) intersect in the lasting images of the war experienced at the front and behind the lines. The museography places individuals at the heart of the displays: the soldiers, civilians, prisoners, the people living under occupation… An approach designed to demonstrate the humanity that can exist in war, a total war that affected every aspect of society.

Since 2014, as part of the Centenary, the Historial has been renewing and developing its remit, by expanding its themes and its collections, and now offers multimedia tools and films making it easier to explore, and offering you a different experience of the Great War. A visit not to be missed...
